Betiel Berhe (Photo: Priscillia Grubo) Photo:


Nie mehr leise

Author reading and talk
With Betiel Berhe moderated by Shahrzad Osterer

 Habibi Kiosk
 7.7.2023
 1 hour 30 minutes
 Free of charge
 Habibi Kiosk
 7.7.2023
 1 hour 30 minutes
 Free of charge

From a migrant worker’s child to a successful academic: Betiel Berhe’s childhood among high-rise buildings has sharpened her view of class differences and structural discrimination. Based on her own biography and other life stories, she tells in “Nie mehr leise” how difficult social advancement is, but also how a new migrant middle class is growing that stands up against structural classism and racism. At Habibi Kiosk, she reads from her book and talks with Shahrzad Osterer about origin and class afterwards.

Betiel Berhe is an economist and activist. In the past, she has worked for numerous international organizations and NGOs, co-founded the Social Justice Institute in Munich, and is active in various racism-critical networks. She gives lectures, workshops and consults on the topics of migration, (anti-)racism, diversity and education. Currently, she focuses on the connection between race and class in the German context.