Portrait of Sarah Diehl

Sarah Diehl

Sarah Diehl is an author and activist living in Berlin. In her work, she is always driven by the question of how the self-confidence and self-determination of people socialized as women is undermined in our society. In her bestseller “Die Uhr, die nicht tickt”, she analyzed from a cultural, sociological, biographical and political perspective the manipulative function of the mother ideal, why it has given childless women such a bad image and how difficult it is for women to fight their way out of these images.

She has also been involved in the field of international reproductive rights for 15 years and founded the organization Ciocia Basia in 2014, which supports women from Poland in organizing safe abortions in Germany. Her latest non-fiction book “Die Freiheit, allein zu sein - Eine Ermutigung” was published last year by Arche Verlag.